We have several different affordable membership plans!
New members that sign up for an annual plan will receive 1 to 3 FREE personal training appointments from a certified personal trainer - showing them how to safely use each piece of equipment and setting them up on a progressive program tailored to meet their needs and goals! We will evaluate their current fitness level, instruct on proper equipment usage and start them on a progressive fitness program. We will also schedule ongoing appointments throughout the year to keep the member up to date and review their progress and change their programming accordingly. These appointments are FREE and part of your membership.
24/7 Key Fobs: $20 each
Single Adult:
Best Buy: Pay in full for one year and save over $70.00! 420.00 + Tax and NO Registration Fee!
Monthly Pay (EFT): Sign up for 1 year and pay 12 monthly auto payments of $40.00 + tax
Month to Month: Sign up for 1 month pay $50.00 + tax
Family Plan:
Best Buy: Pay in full for one year and save over $00.00! 660.00 + Tax and NO Registration Fee!
Monthly Pay(EFT): Sign up for 1 year and pay 12 monthly payments of $65.00 + tax
Month to Month: Sign up for 1 month pay $75.00 + tax
Bearcat Packages: Includes Unlimited adult fitness classes starting at $5.00 per week per member
Monthly Plans: Add 1 time registration fee of $10.00 per person
No Fee if paid in full! See contract for details
* If a member renews each month or year no further registraction fees will be charged.
*Adult members will need to purchase a key fob for $20.00 this will allow entry 24/7 into the facility. (Families may share one key fob or purchase one for each adult member). All adult members over the age of 18 In good health and with a doctor's approval are eligible to use our cability 24/7. Members under the age of 18 much have a member over 18 accompany them at all times.
* All members will need to submit photo ID at time of registration.
You can speed up the process of your new membership by printing off and filling out the five forms below: